Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Just say no to porn-induced rudeness

Yes, another great idea from the folks who bought you the Taking A Hit Out on Leaders More Democratically Elected Than Ours. Yup, they want to regulate Everwood, a TV show on the WB channel here in the States. Evidently on Everwood, they scandalously discuss the use of that cutting-edge contraceptive device, the condom. Perhaps Everwood should just edit their scripts a bit more thoroughly. Those conversations would be great (please stand-by for totally fictitious transcript from a non-real episode of Everwood. (By the way, would they have to change the name of the show from, perhaps, Everwood to, I dunno, Everbark or Ever-the-primary-component-of-a-tree because of the connotations of wood? I'm thinking no because probably Republican sex knowledge is fun and euphemism-free, they wouldn't know of the double entendre of wood. Shhhhhhh, let's not tell them. So anyway, yes, back to the fake transcript from the non-existent episode of, um, Everwood.)

"Oh Sarah, do you think tonight should be the night?"
"Hmmm, sure, why not?"
"I don't have a condom."
"Oh, it doesn't matter, I'm 17 and it's not like I have my whole life ahead of me...."

Thank you, this has been a completely crap transcription of a fake episode of Everwood. So to summarize, perhaps talking about condom use is not necessarily the worst thing. I mean, it's not like kids are having sex these days anymore. Not with the success and the utter lack of hypocrisy emanating from the White House. Yeah, we don't even need to talk about condoms any more because no one is interested in sex anymore. Heck, I think the Rapture is tomorrow afternoon. So I'm just off to read my Bible a bit more. Out like Kobe Bryant at a support group meeting for victims of sexual violence. And learn how to use your v-chips you Christian fundies. Or bake a cake. Or play baseball or something. Let me watch the crap I want without being disturbed.


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