Sen. Hagel is a hero. Well, at least an honest man.
Venting about politics and world affairs with occasional Dodger and Laker rants as well as a movie review here or there.
George McGovern with a few "impolitic" questions for a less distinguished George. We're waiting for answers Monkey Boy.
I'd like to introduce you. Actually, the pot is looking quite healthy compared to the kettle. I think the kettle is just tired of standing out.
As The Church Lady said. Turns out that the Iranians offered us what we essentially want now, from them. Isn't that lovely? Oh the foresight of President Cheney...once again, he's only five years behind the curve. I guess that's more ahead than he is on the torture issue-you know, like 800 years. Actually I think by that point the Vikings realized, wait, all this looting and vandalizing is pretty rude. We should stop. No wonder Cheney doesn't want his TV on anything other than FOX. Good to see Cheney is consistent at least.
call it what it is? It's an escalation. Just as in Vietnam when US popular for Johnson's course of action was low, even in 1967, even though the War went on and the US bombed Cambodia for nearly four years with no real strategic gain in Vietnam, even though Johnson reached a nadir in popularity with the disaster of the Tet Offensive, even though he was discouraged from seeking re-election, the US still acted as though it had a mandate to warmonger more.
In a clear sign that his comment about only Barney and Laura supporting his War on Turrr (and the idea that the fact that its afilure hasn't suggested to him it might not have been the best idea) will be a self-fulfilling prophecy, Bush is replacing Gen. Casey and Gen. Casey because they haven't
Yeah, so this has gotten plenty of play by now. Story broke probably Wed. or Thurs. but what can I say, I'm homeless at the moment. But yeah, Bush has employed one of his signing statements to claim the right to look at people's mail in "exigent circumstances". To what end? All of his policies have not reined in terrorism at all. All the numbers show that things are getting worse in Iraq and not better. So he can't claim that we're trying to protect people from terrorism. All your "protection" so far has only gotten people killed and de-stabilized the Middle East. I'm wondering if there are any grounds on which a lawsuit can be made over the appropriateness of signing statements-are they being used appropriately? Apparently, at least according to Wikipedia, they are. Is the purpose of the signing statement being ignored or abused by Bush's use of them? Sheesh. They represent a serious blot on the notion that the powers are separate and they, deny the legislative and judicial branches some of their powers to check and balance. Unconscionable.
Found several posts about the unseemliness and insensitivity of hanging Saddam on al-Eid, a high Holy Day in Iraq. A veteran Iraq journalist, Nir Rosen, has writtenwhat others in the know such as Juan Cole (and yours truly, by some happy accident) wrote. Namely, that choosing the Sunday rather than the Saturday to hang Saddam endorsed the legitimacy of Shi'a Islam over Sunni Islam. It is bad enough that a holy weekend was selected during which the man was supposed to hang, but to do it when Sunnis (of which Saddam was one) were celebrating a very holy day is the sort of unprincipled, cynical, heinous thing that will do nothing but further polarize the situation in Iraq, as even a prominent Conservative commentator has noted. No doubt other informed commentators on Iraq have weighed in on the inappropriateness of hanging Saddam on a holy weekend. This is quite apart from the very notion that his execution was wrong on simple human rights or even strategic military grounds.